Monday, December 17, 2012

In One Month...

In one month I'll be in Italy
In one month I'll be settling into my apartment
In one month I'll be getting to know by future family
In one month it all starts

Everything is coming so quickly, I found out my class schedule last week and today I found out where I'll be living next semester! I couldn't be more excited about my apartment. It's big, it's close, and I have my own room :)

The biggest thing to get used to will be having no dryer for my clothes. But I'm sure I will get used to it in no time. Every time I see pictures of Italy I get more and more excited to be there. I really won't believe any of the pictures until I see it myself, and trust me there will be plenty of pictures to see, so get ready :)

Until then,


1 comment:

  1. Lol at least you will have a washer! I remember us washing clothes in the sin/bathtubs and hanging.clothes allover our hotel rooms to let them hang dry!
